Find Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures

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  • Please do not drop students off before 7:25 A.M. There is no one on bus duty before this time and your child cannot be supervised. School begins at 7:50 A.M. Students arriving after 7:50 A.M. will be tardy and must be signed in by the person who brings them to school.                                                                                                      Glossy Blue Clock.png  
  • At the end of the day, school personnel will bring car riders to the front of the building near the main entrance. For your child’s safety, students will only be allowed to leave with the person listed on the pickup list. Please update this list as needed. Car riders are picked up at 3:05 P.M. Buses will leave at 3:25: P.M.                                                                

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  •  Please note: If a student will be riding a different bus than usual parents must send a note with their child, which will be given to the office.  If a friend is spending the night with another friend, our school requires permission forms from both sets of parents to be turned it to the office. This lets us know that your child has permission to ride a different bus and that the child has permission to go home with the student. This procedure is for your child’s safety.