School information will be sent by the School Reach phone system, so it is important that we have you correct phone numbers. This becomes particularly important during the winter months. The school website, Facebook, and the school sign will be updated regularly with school events.

School breakfast and lunch are FREE for all students!
Delivery of outside food is prohibited to any time prior to 1:00 P.M. (School Handbook Page 17). This means no outside food (restaurant food boxes, carryout trays, etc.) can be brought into the cafeteria. Lunches brought from home need to be carried in a lunch bag or box. Also, please remember that students cannot drink soda, Gatorade, or other sports drinks in the cafeteria. The only exception is if the juice is if the juice is 100% fruit juice. Even if students bring their lunch, all drinks need to be in a thermos. The only exception is water bottles.

Please write your child’s name on backpacks, jackets, eyeglass cases, lunch boxes, and any other personal items.
If parents need to discuss an issue with a teacher, please call during the teacher’s planning time, make an appointment, leave a message with the office, or email the teacher. Email addresses and planning times can be found on the teacher’s welcome letter or by calling the office.

Homeroom Placement Grades 3-8
In order to have appropriate placement in intervention programs and to meet the needs of individual students academically, it is sometimes necessary to change a student’s homeroom placement. This allows us to differentiate instruction to levels that will most appropriately benefit all of our students. If a change in homeroom placement is necessary to better meet the needs of your child you will be notified accordingly. Thank you for your continued support!